
The Cytek Aurora is a 5-laser, 64-channel spectral cytometer that is capable of measuring 25+ colors per panel routinely, or 40+ colors simultaneously using pre-optimized, specially designed panels.

This enables deep profiling of

  1. scarce samples such as biopsies, pediatric & geriatric samples, and other precious specimens by combining several traditional panels/tubes into a single panel/tube, and

  2. more specific populations of the immune system that are defined by multiple lineage and functional markers, at higher data quality and sensitivity not possible with traditional flow cytometry methods.

The instrument is currently located in the Belfer Research Building on the 9th floor at BB-950F01. We offer a variety of services including self-operation by trained users 24/7, training, consultation on experimental design and data analysis, and in near future full services such as assisted data acquisition and sample prep.


Price List

Service prices for Cytek Aurora, FY (7/21-6/22)

Service WCM & Tri-I Academic Ext. Industry
Self-op $50/h $75/h $100/h
Assisted use $125/h $180/h $250/h
Self-op training $150/trainee $375/trainee $525/trainee
Self-op training (additional session) $75 $125 $175
Data Analysis $100/h $150/h $200/h
Consultation (first 30 min per project) Free of charge - -
Consultation (per 15 min session) $25 $40 $55



Conducting polychromatic (12+ colors) and spectral cytometry experiments (often >20 colors) requires careful design and optimization. The comprehensive training on spectral cytometry helps the user to become confident and competent with independent operation of the Aurora instrument, as well as proper experimental design, best practices, and basic troubleshooting skills. This is useful for both traditional cytometry and spectral cytometry studies, especially if you want to obtain high quality data from precious samples within a short time (by avoiding errors and unnecessary repeats).